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Legal conditions
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The content of this website and its data, images, sounds, text and combinations thereof and the software are protected by copyright and database rights. Those rights belong to Glen Dimplex Benelux BV. It is not permitted to copy this site or any part thereof without written permission.
Despite our continuous care and attention to the composition of this website and its details, Glen Dimplex Benelux BV cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy or continued currency of the details. Glen Dimplex Benelux BV does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage, of whichever nature, that results from or is in any way related to the use of the site or the unavailability of the website.
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By introducing personal details on the website of Glen Dimplex Benelux BV and stating that you wish to be kept informed by e-mail, you agree that those personal details are stored in one or more databases. Glen Dimplex Benelux BV respects the general privacy rules and shall ensure that personal details are treated carefully. The relevant details may be removed upon request.
Leeuwarden Companies Register 16084292
VAT number NL809767478B01
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